
She is Beauty-licious

So this illustration is the first of many to come. I really love drawing people, but have always stuck to these skinny stick-like figures. Well, I have changed my ways for this series and I want to continue on with a few more women, all wearing different bikinis and dancing around like they just don't care! I think that more voluptuous women are more interesting to draw. There are curves and lines that just don't exist on a skeleton.

Part 1 of Series

TC Marathon

The color might be a tad off, but this is a poster created hypothetically for next year's Twin Cities Marathon. It was all created in Illustrator, which I really love to do sometimes because I can mess with color without freaking out at the thought of destroying my artwork :D

TC Marathon Poster

Appalachian Sisters

This illustration is part of a series depicting the poverty of Appalachia, specifically Western KY, where it is far worse than most areas. It's a very sad scene in some places, but through color (which I am currently working on) these girls will shine through this sadness. Their surroundings are so beautiful, so I am looking to have that be something of importance in this series. I love doing this line work. It is very soothing.



Been a while...

I've been super busy, but I want to keep up with this! I have been working on a mural at the Children's Theatre and have been working on projects here and there. I am also still working on a book cover, and will get that up once it's published! Here are some sketches, pics of the mural and other randoms for you to take a gander at. Hope everyone is enjoying the fall. More to come next weekend!

Color study

Piano Man


Mural Part I

CTC Mural Part II

